Saturday, July 28, 2012

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Zhou Xiaomin 3 Upon seeing the man quickly ran down and tried to mediate, to pull that fast angry young is her good friend Zhang Fan, trivial greatly shot, Zhang Fan China was like Zhou Xiaomin, but never said that to engage in the Zhou Xiaomin never know that their friends like they have for a long time, Zhang Fan China looked Zhou Xiaomin one,oakley polarized sunglasses, eliminate a lot of anger, said: eyes looking out across the teeth 3, either because the other side the number of their own double, very probably have been fighting a say anger who did not, not to mention the presence of three girls looked at, who wants to lose own face, in front of women, the sense of a man's face is sometimes particularly serious, unfortunately, some girls is the most annoying boys fight happens to the boys and the most readily resolve the way in addition to the fight or fight, it may not tell the gentleman moving hands to mouth it may be damn hypocrisy, or hypocrites, or timid, general people who do not have a point of anger.
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Jun airway; Zhang Fan, not cut ridiculed loudly: side of flying got, all right.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

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Yang Guang closed his eyes one, smiled and said: Helpless, the two had their eyes closed up.
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Friday, July 20, 2012

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Monday, July 16, 2012

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

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Once upon a time, she imagined that he is a dragon imprisoned princess, waiting for a knight riding a white horse, bravery and wit to defeat the dragon, the locks after the sword Zhanla magic seal, washed her exposed moon exquisite smile. not too much dialogue, so only one Took the floor the night shuttle in the crowd Zhao quiet pity, looked at the floor the night to lead the way in front of the background, looking at him again and again through the clutter and generally from the dense crowd for their own to open up a way to Zhao quiet pity is still true magic difficult to distinguish. this person really is knights in their own fantasy?

Monday, July 2, 2012

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Is president, you see it. My coat pocket and pulled out a portable cigar boxes, and to her. This cigarette case is titanium specially designed alloy thickness reached 15 mm, can block the vast majority of the bullets of the sniper rifle. I usually put it on the heart in front of both loaded cigar, but also bullet-proof. Asano Sachiko took out a cigar, lit cigarette on ignition, and then take back to me.
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I looked at her, this woman more and let